January - how is everyone coping?

January 08, 2021

January - how is everyone coping?

Happy New Year to everyone, my first blog post of 2021. 

I went for my last sea swim on New Year's Eve as a 5km travel restrictions came into place that day and already I am pining for the sea.

Even though I only stay in there for 5 minutes, it is 5 minutes of baltic bliss followed by a mug of tea and a socially distanced chat with cake or treats. Invigorated, cleansed and ready to take on the day.

I call it my "reset" button, you leave your worries and stresses in the sea and start afresh.

Needless to say I cannot travel to the sea for now and am keeping my head sane with yoga and Pilates and some sewing. (minimal).

I am looking at images and stories on social media of my friends who are living near the sea and , yes,  I am envious of them!

But, I will get there again... 

We will all get back to what we love doing eventually .

The little bit of sewing that I am doing is for a collaborative project called The Medicine Spoon Memorial , curated by Caren Thompson.

"The Medicine Spoon Memorial is a creative, collaborative, art memorial. It intends to honour and acknowledge women who were persecuted as witches during the witch hunts in the United Kingdom."

. More information can be seen below or you can follow my progress on 








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